Benefits Of Sports Massage

Booking a Sports Massage should not be viewed as something you do once you have a niggle or have suffered an injury.... it should be viewed as part of your regular training regime to correct imbalances in the body.

A Sports Massage Therapist is looking to identify and treat issues before they cause an injury.

It does not matter what level of fitness you are; deep tissue massage is so beneficial on so many layers, and it isn't just for athletes. Sports massage is a technique that when applied effectively works on the deep tissues to help relieve any issue you may have.

Think of it more as having regular service for your muscular health whether that due to a sporting event or muscular tension which more and more is regular feature in this day and age we live in, always on the go, can't switch off, permanently connected to a phone or tablet etc.

If you can answer yes to any of the following, then you should seriously consider incorporating sports massage into your training cycle:

Do you hold stress related tension in your muscles?

Do you suffer with bad posture?

Are you an active person?

Do you train more than 3-4 days at a high intensity?

Do you compete in any sports?

Muscle imbalances, when left unchecked, can be a cause of a lot of pain and discomfort. And generally, can cause some very negative effects in the way the body moves as a complete unit.

General benefits of massage

1. Boosts immune system

Many studies have linked massages to improved functioning of the immune system.

In one 2010 study, massage was shown to improve production of white blood cells which fight against disease.

The same study was repeated with a focus on how massage effects hormone levels and it showed that people who had Swedish massage twice a week had decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol and more oxytocin, the trust hormone.

2. Improves well-being

A relaxing massage can reduce anxiety, stress, and depression.

As I mentioned previously, massage has been proven to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This improves your overall feeling of well-being and can reduce blood pressure.

Massage can also increase levels of the neurotransmitter's serotonin and dopamine, which is great for people suffering from depression.

3. Reduces inflammation

A study published in Science Translational Medicine in 2012 found that massage greatly relieves sore muscles after physical exercise.

Just 10 minutes of massage can reduce inflammation and help your body recover more quickly.

4. Reduces Pain

A 2011 study of lower back pain published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that Swedish massage or deep tissue massage can help alleviate chronic lower back pain.

After receiving 1 massage a week for 10 weeks, 1 out of 3 patients were relieved of pain compared to 1 in 25 given 'usual care'.

A 2006 study published in the American Archives of Internal Medicine showed that frequent massages could decrease stiffness and pain and improve movement in people with osteoarthritis.

5. Improves sleep

Even insomniacs may find it easier to get a good night's rest after a Spa Experience massage treatment. Some people even fall asleep while they are being massaged!

Many studies have addressed this phenomenon and accredit it to massage's effect on delta waves, which are the brain waves associated with deep sleep.

What are the benefits of sports massage on the body's main systems?

Muscular System - Helps release soft tissue tightness, realign scar tissue and helps reduce muscular spasms.

Lymphatic System - Massage helps increase the movement of fluid throughout the body.

Nervous System - Can help increase endorphins, along with increasing sensory receptors.

Skeletal System - Reducing soft tissue tension allows the increase of mobility, thus reducing stress on joints.

Cardiovascular System - Increasing blood flow to the soft tissues, helping remove waste products and increase flow of oxygen and nutrients to those areas.

When to have a sports massage?

Sports massage works best when used regularly as part of a good routine as it can help keep muscular tension and imbalances in check.

Massage Therapy goes hand in hand with a good training plan or as recommended by your personal trainer.

Depending on the activity you may be embarking on, your lifestyle or ongoing issues will have a bearing on the sort of treatment that would be most beneficial for you. Pre or Post Activity or any time in between BUT Never on an acute injury!

Written by Amelia Crowley


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